
July 23, 2014

How to Grill Corn on the Cob

How to Grill Corn

I'll admit the first time I grilled corn on the cob I was nervous.  Would it turn out?  Burn?  Taste really awful?  I was amazingly surprised when it came off the grill perfectly cooked, sweet and juicy.  Who knew it could be so easy to cook corn on the cob?  And doing it without steaming up your kitchen makes grilling it even better.

Grilled Corn Recipe

There's not really a trick to this method of grilling corn on the cob.  No soaking, no shucking and wrapping in tin foil, no voodoo magic.  Just three simple steps, and you're good to go.

Grilled Corn on the Cob

Step one--get ride of any shucks or silks that might catch on fire.  Step two--place the corn on a medium hot grill.  Step three--turn three times every five minutes.  Then shuck the corn, the silks come off really easily, and coat in butter.  Yum yum yummy!

How to Grill Corn on the Cob

How to Grill Corn on the Cob

Supplies Needed:

Corn on the cob (shucks on)

  1. Heat grill to medium heat (about 350 degrees). 
  2. Trim the corn shucks  and silks.  I trim off anything that might catch on fire.
  3. Place the corn on the grill.  Turn the corn a third of the way after 5 minutes.  After 5 more minutes rotate the corn again.  Cook for 5 minutes for a total of 15 minutes.
  4. Wait for about 5 minutes; the corn will be hot.  Then shuck the corn.  The silks will come right off the corn (yay!) 
  5. Coat in butter, Mexican Corn toppings, or anything else you want.

Grill Corn

I've started grilling an extra ear of corn or two to cut off the cob and have in summer salads.  Grilling the corn really makes it easy to have perfectly cooked corn.  And it makes it easy for me to eat way to much corn--which was one of my summer goals.

How do you like to cook corn?  Have you ever tried grilling corn on the cob?

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