
May 15, 2014

Classic Peach Pie Recipe

Classic Peach Pie

This past weekend was my dad's birthday, my grandpa's birthday, and it was Mother's Day.  We had a busy weekend as I'm sure you can imagine!

Classic Peach Pie Recipe

On Saturday Mom and Dad came to our house for dinner.  We were celebrating Mother's Day and Dad's birthday.  Mom brought steaks, and Dad requested I make peach pie. I couldn't say no to such a delicious sounding request.

Classic Peach Pie Recipe with Cinnamon and Vanilla

Dustin cooked the steaks with Mom's supervisions--it was the first time he's ever cooked steaks on our grill!  And I made twice baked potatoes and grilled asparagus.  And we all salivated over the peach pie that was sitting on the counter just waiting to be eaten.

Peach Pie with a Lattice Top

The peach pie did not disappoint.  It was flavorful and peachy, with a perfect flaky crust from my favorite recipe.  With just a hit of cinnamon and vanilla the peach flavor really came through.  It is a classic peach pie, no updates, no crazy combinations, just peaches and a tiny bit of seasonings to make all the flavors pop.  Truthfully I'm already thinking of when I can make another peach pie.  Memorial Day Weekend anyone?

Classic Peach Pie
author: Happy Food Happy Home
filling adapted from Smitten Kitchen
makes 1 pie

3 1/2 pounds peaches (you'll need about 6 cups peeled and cut)
1 tablespoon lemon juice, (about ½ a lemon)
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons corn starch
2 whole unbaked pie crusts
2 tablespoons cream
2-3 teaspoons turbinado sugar
  1. Peel your peaches
    1. make a small x on the bottom of the peaches.  Boil for 2 minutes and then place in an ice bath for 1 minute. The peaches should peel easily.
    2. if your peaches are firm it might be easier to peel with a vegetable peel just like you'd peel an apple.*
  2. Cut the peaches into 1/3 inch pieces.**
  3. In a large mixing bowl combine the peaches, lemon juice, granulated sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, and corn starch. Set aside and prepare your crust.
  4. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
  5. Lay a ¼ inch thick round of dough in the bottom of your pie pan. *** Trim to fit the pie plate.
  6. Pour your filling and all the accumulated juices into the pie crust. 
  7. Top with the top crust or make a lattice crust.
    1. To make a lattice crust cut strips into 1 inch pieces.  Gently weave the pieces into a lattice top.  (Check back Friday for an easy lattice tutorial!)
    2. You can just put a full top on the pie. Make sure to vent the crust with 2 or 3 holes.
  8. Gently brush the cream over the top crust.  Sprinkle the turbinado sugar over the crust.
  9. Place the pie in the oven with a foil lined baking sheet underneath it to catch drips.
  10. Bake for 20 minutes at 425 degrees.
  11. After 20 minutes reduce the oven temperature to 375 and bake for 30-40 more minutes until the crust is lightly golden brown and the filling is bubbling all over.  If at any point the crust gets too brown on top tent the pie with foil for the rest of the baking time.
  12. When pie is cooked remove from oven.  Let the pie sit for at least 3 hours to allow the filling to set completely.  If you cut the pie before it has set your filling will run everywhere.  But it will still taste delicious. 

*I boiled my firm peaches and the skin didn't come off. Frustrating, but we peeled them with a vegetable peeler, and that worked fine.  Thank you Dustin for helping!
**Or mangle them into lots of pieces while attempting to cut them and use those pieces.
***I didn't butter my pie pan because my pie crust uses so much butter that it wouldn't dream of sticking to a pie dish. 

This peach pie was great.  I'm still hoarding one piece that I'll probably have when I get home this afternoon.  Right before I head off to the grocery store to stock up on everything.  

Classic Peachy Peachy Pie

Do you love pie? I can'tstopwon'tstop, but Dustin doesn't really like it.  I still have some cherries in the freezer from last year that are calling my name.  Cherry pie is my grandpa's favorite, and mine too.  What is your favorite kind of pie?


  1. i love peach pie! looks great.

  2. Thanks Dina! Peach pie is one of my favorites too, though I'm not too discriminate about pie :)


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