
April 25, 2014

Behind the Scenes

My students have been crazy this week!  I think it's spring fever.  I definitely earned the glass of wine I had last night.  And the afternoon caffeine hits everyday this week.

Yummy wine!

Our crab apple tree is blooming!  It really is the most gorgeous tree in the spring.  We are really enjoying it.

Crab Apple Tree Blooms

Luckily that white stuff on the ground is not snow.  Just tree petals after the wind and rain last night.

Crab Apple Tree Snow

We sat outside on the patio for drinks this week.  The sunshine felt awesome, and it finally felt like spring.  Though I did get cold once the sun went behind the awning.  I love how the sun was shining around the sign.
Sunshine around a Sign

I hope you had a good week!  This weekend we're going out to dinner with our friends; pizza tomorrow night!  And if it's dry I'm heading to my parents' house to help them plant the garden.  I've got to help if I want to steal vegetables this summer.  Have a good weekend!

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