
March 18, 2014

Pico de Gallo-Fresh Salsa

pico de gallo

Pico de gallo is one of my favorite toppings.  It's perfect as a snack with tortilla chips, topping tacos, and mixed into scrambled eggs.

I love how fast this fresh salsa comes together.  No boiling, no waiting, it's almost as fast as opening a jar of store bought salsa, but it is a billion times tastier. Trust me-one billion times.

All you need to do is combine tomatoes, red onion, jalapeno, cilantro, and lime juice.  All chopped, combine, and toss and your fresh tasty pico de gallo is ready to go!

Pico de gallo is more about ratios than exact amounts.  And though you can adjust the amounts of each, I would leave them pretty close to what I have listed.  Its the combination of the ingredients that make it pico de gallo and not tomatoes with some stuff mixed in.

pico de gallo with tortilla chips

Pico de Gallo-- Fresh Salsa

1 part tomatoes
1 part red onion
1/2 part jalapeno
1/2 part cilantro
1 lime
1 pinch salt

  1. Dice tomatoes into large dice.  Add to large bowl.
  2. Dice red onion into small dice.  Add to bowl.
  3. Dice jalapeno into a small dice. Remove membranes and seeds to a less spicy pico.  Add to bowl. 
  4. Finely chop cilantro.  Add to bowl.
  5. Add the juice of half the lime and a pinch of salt.  
  6. Toss everything together and taste.  Add more lime juice or salt if needed. 
  7. Eat with tortilla chips, use to top tacos, mix into anything and everything.  
For guidance I used cherry tomatoes that I quartered then measured a cup, half a red onion that I diced then measured a cup, 2 large jalapenos diced then measured 1/2 cup, 1 large handful cilantro chopped then measured 1/2 cup, half a lime juiced, and one heavy pinch of salt.  But you can really adjust the amount of salsa up and down to fit your needs! 

Pico de Gallo-Fresh salsa

The amount of jalapeno and onion might seem like a lot, but that is really where the pico flavor comes through!  Don't skimp because your afraid of the spice--it really becomes a nice flavor balance when everything is mixed together. 

Pico de gallo is a fresh tomato salsa that I love.  I really use it to top everything--I've even used it in place of salad dressing. Give pico de gallo a try, it really is easy to make! 

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