
December 19, 2013

Winter Eating

Cookies, eggnog, and coffee does not a diet make.  Unfortunately those seem to be the only things I want to cook and eat lately.  How's that for healthy eating?

And soup--I love soup!  Dustin, not so much.  So I try to keep the soup making to once a week; even though I normally end up eating it for lunch every day.

And the in-season veggies are uninspiring and make me a little sad.  Why do veggies make me sad?  Makes no sense, but it does affect my cooking.

This is pretty much a brain dump list of winter foods that will hopefully inspire me (and you!) to cook this winter!

Chicken Risotto with Carrots and Celery
              Slightly spicy, mostly delicious, with bacon

             I want to experiment with this--and learn what it is!

Kale Salad with Warm Bacon Vinaigrette
             Because is there anything better than bacon?

Sausage, Potato, and Kale Soup
             Spicy, warm, and delicious.  Crusty bread a must!

Poached Eggs, Polenta Cakes, and Bacon with spicy creamy sauce
             Because is there anything better than breakfast?

Pork Carnitas

Korean Beef
             Just because

Spicy Shrimp
           With lots of spices, yogurt, and homemade naan

Broccoli Pesto with (leftover) mixed nuts, and Homemade Orechietti
            Because sometimes you need to try make pasta

And maybe I'll post about these things--I'll try at least.  Because I like to make food and take pictures of it.  Maybe we'll combine those two things.

What inspires you to cook in the winter? Do you have someone who doesn't consider soup a meal?  And if you have any great winter meal ideas let me know!

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