
May 2, 2013

I Heart You Maps

I knew I needed something gushy romantic to give to Dustin for our anniversary, and the Spring Pinterest Challenge brought to us by SherryKatieEmily, and Renee gave me the perfect motivation.  I loved the idea of using maps to commemorate important places to us.

I saw hearts made out of maps, and while I loved the idea of using real maps, I didn't like the possibility of tracking down maps that were zoomed in enough to cut out hearts the size I wanted.

So I got creative! By using Google Maps I was able to get the places exactly where I wanted, and the resulting images were clean and modern. I loved them, and Dustin did too!

Here's the tutorial to make your own I Heart You Maps!


  • picture frames
  • photo editing software (I used Photoshop elements)

1. Go to Google Maps and zoom in on the location you want. Use your computer to take a screen capture of the map.  Remember to make it wide and tall--you have to fit a heart onto it!
2. Save the image to your computer and open in your photo editing software.

3. In Elements create a new image the size you want (mine is 5x7).

4. Drag your map image into your blank canvas. This will create a new layer. Adjust your layer to roughly fit on the blank image. It doesn't need to fit exactly because you're going to make a heart!

5. Create a new layer. Use the custom shape tool to make a heart. Make it as big or as little as you want! 

6. Arrange the order of the layers so the heart is below your map. 
7. Select the Map layer and open the Layers Menu.  Click "Create Clipping Mask," and you will have a heart!

8. You can adjust your background color and move your map until you're satisfied with your image. Then print and frame them!

I would suggest if you're going to create multiple maps to copy the heart layer into each new image. This makes sure the heart is the same size. Or you can just replace the map layer in your original -just make sure to save each one! 

I love our heart maps! They're a great way to commemorate where we've been! They always make me happy when I look at them. So create your own heart maps!

If you made I Heart you maps where would your maps show? Where you vacationed as a family? Where you first met? Tell me in the comments!


  1. This is a wonderful idea!! A very thoughtful gift. My boyfriend and I have moved 5 times together in the last 5.5 years, so this would be a really cute piece of artwork to have on display in our home. Thanks for posting!


    1. Making everywhere you lived is a great idea! Thanks for commenting!

  2. This is great! I once saw a wall papered entirely in maps and have loved the idea of decorating with them ever since.

    1. That would be so great! Especially if the place on the map was important to you. I do have a really big one from an elementary school--I just don't know where to put it! Hopefully it will find a spot soon.

  3. Such a smart idea!! And thanks for showing us how to do it in Photoshop! Looks fantastic!

    1. Thanks! Hopefully it makes sense; it's the first time I've done a Photoshop tutorial.

  4. I made a set of these using maps I printed out from the internet for a wedding gift. I think they are a sweet idea.

    1. Using them as a wedding gift is such a great idea! And then they have great art for their home!


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